• You can sign up for office hour slots. They are all in my office at the Kennedy School (Belfer 411)
  • Daily Weather Data for Contiguous United States (1950-2023).
    The raw data files give daily minimum and maximum temperature as well as total precipitation on a 2.5x2.5 mile grid for the contiguous United States from 1950-2023.
    We will periodically update the data for the most recent years. The data set is based on the PRISM weather data set. Unlike PRISM, which averages all available stations, this data set keeps the set of stations constant over time. If a station does not report on a given day, we fill in the missing value by the inverse distance-weighted average of the cumulative density function of all surrounding stations (e.g., if surrounding stations are on average at their 70th percentile, the station with a missing value is set to the 70th percentile of its readings). This gives us a balanced panel of weather station records, which is important for a panel study that absorbs average climates and only relies on deviations from the average climate.
    We select weather stations based on how often they report in 1950-2018, hence this procedure works best for that time period.
    If you use the data in your study and want to reference it, please send us a link to your publication. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-08ER64640.
  • The data is now housed on Zenodo - Compressed data files by year (2.3GB by year)
  • Meta-file 1: linkGridnumberFIPS Linking each grid cell (gridNumber) to the county in which the centroid is located.